St Monica Academy Scouts club is headed by Tr. Daisy
Scout movement was stated in St.monica Academy in 2008 following the official registration by the Kenya scouts Association (KSA).The registration 2045.
Following the spirit of the founder Robert Robbinism smith Baden Powell, the scout are always prepared to execute any mandate required of them.
It began with about ten(10) scouts and currently the number has swollen to eighty (80)
Guided by the ten scout law and promise they are the most disciplined, self-driven and active in the school.
The school has very much supported the movement in that it sponsors the patrol leaders training courses.
The scout participated in various activaties such as camping, hiking, funday, training such as badges camps, patrol leaders training among others
They also grace different occasions in the school like Gradustion,parents day and AGM.
The scouts participate in the celebration of the founder referred to as founderee every year.
